
Comentropy News

AllianceHub News

AllianceHub Enhances Efficiency and Collaboration at NIDA

AllianceHub has made the work of the NIDA Secretariat smoother and more efficient, ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of information transmission. AllianceHub not only enhances our work efficiency but also strengthens the interaction and cooperation among alliance members. We look forward to continuing to use this platform to support NIDA's activities in the future.

AllianceHub boosts trust and cohesion with transparency!

The transparent collaboration feature of AllianceHub allows every team member to clearly understand the progress and decision-making process. The system provides real-time dashboards and decision-tracking tools that present key data to stakeholders. Personally, I believe this transparency mechanism enhances trust and team cohesion, making it particularly suitable for projects that require cross-departmental and cross-institutional collaboration.

2024-01-08AllianceHub 发布V1.9版本新增任务管理模块:提升团队协作与任务追踪效率

2025年1月16日,AllianceHub 平台正式推出 V1.9 版本,新增任务管理模块,为工作组的日常运作和任务执行带来全新的管理方式。此功能使工作组主席、秘书以及各任务负责人能够更加高效地管理和协调任务,确保每个任务的执行进度和责任明确。通过此模块,任务的创建、分配、跟踪、验收等各个环节都能实现全面的管理和透明的流程,同时增强了团队成员之间的沟通和协作。

AllianceHub: The Platform for Collaboration and Transparency!

AllianceHub is an ideal collaboration platform for working groups within international organizations, effectively addressing common challenges. For distributed teams, it facilitates seamless cross-regional collaboration. Its meeting management features enable swift agenda scheduling, minute-taking, and automatic member notifications, significantly improving meeting efficiency. Proposal management processes are also made more standardized and transparent, with progress clearly visible at all times.

AllianceHub Accelerates GCC Standardization Efforts

The Global Computing Consortium (GCC), as an industry organization, focuses on the development and revision of standards as well as the drafting of research reports. Previously, these tasks were primarily carried out through online or offline meetings, which often faced challenges such as scheduling conflicts among participants and low efficiency in advancing tasks. AllianceHub, an online collaboration platform, enables cooperative drafting of standards, research reports, and other work documents. It also supports features like online commenting and voting, with future updates planned to include functions like change merging. This platform makes it easier for member representatives and experts to participate, significantly accelerating the progress of the consortium's initiatives.

AllianceHub's meeting module meets our group's scheduling needs.

The meeting management module of AllianceHub fully meets all the needs of our working group for organizing meetings. From scheduling meeting agendas to distributing meeting materials, and even archiving meeting results, every step can be completed on the platform. Additionally, the system automatically generates meeting reminders to ensure that every member never misses an important meeting. This all-in-one meeting management approach has greatly improved our work efficiency. I highly recommend other alliances use AllianceHub to manage their meeting affairs. This modern meeting tool is not only comprehensive in functionality but also easy to operate, making it the best choice for enhancing collaboration efficiency.

Hetao HIT



HIT 奥运专题:对话 UWA 焦洋,谈菁彩奥运

在本次巴黎奥运会期间,中央广播电视总台展示了其强大的科技实力,为全球观众带来了一场精彩纷呈的视听盛宴。其中"菁彩"技术尤为引人注目,其核心包括HDR Vivid和Audio Vivid。都是由世界超高清视频产业联盟(UWA)主导开发的技术标准。为深入了解这一革新性技术背后的故事,共熵服务中心有幸专访了UWA副秘书长焦洋。在这次独家对话中,焦洋为我们揭示"菁彩"技术的发展历程、技术优势及其对未来广播电视行业的深远影响。焦洋也谈到了UWA助力整个超高清生态继续发展壮大背后的努力。




在涉及标准必要专利(SEP)的合同纠纷、侵权纠纷及/或反垄断纠纷程序中,焦点问题是如何确定SEP许可费率。按照标准制定组织(SSO)知识产权政策要求,专利权人作出的“公平、合理、无歧视承诺(FRAND)”是确定标准必要专利许可费的一项基本原则。但实践中该原则的可操作性却存在较大的争议。国内外司法机构、律师及专家学者提出了诸多SEP许可费计算方法,例如“假想协商法(Hypothetical Negotiation)”、“可比协议法(Bottom-up Approach)”、“自上而下法(Top-Down Approach)”、“累积费率峰值法(Accumulated Rate Ceiling)”等,对此,各国司法机构进行了大量的探索和尝试。其中“自上而下法”和“可比协议法”是目前司法实践中最常采用的两种计算方法。

HIT 21: 标准专利中同族专利及产品载体问题探析

同族专利是指基于同一优先权文件,在不同或同一国家或地区,多次申请、多次公布或批准的内容相同或基本相同的一组专利文献。通俗点理解(非严谨),同族专利是指对同一项技术方案提出的所有相关专利申请所产生的专利文献。在同一专利族中每件专利文献被称作专利族成员(Patent Family Members),同一专利族中每件专利互为同族专利。在同一专利族中构成最早优先权的专利文献称为基本专利。

HIT 20: 开源软件(GPL)传染性问题探讨

GNU通用公共许可协议(General Public License,GPL)是一种适用于软件和其他各类作品的自由且不可加以限制的COPYLEFT许可证。根据GPL3.0规定,被许可人享有复制、修改(署名)及转发源代码的权利,但同时需承担相应的法律义务,即GPL3.0要求被许可人在转发经其修改后的软件作品时,必须具有显著的声明:说明对该作品进行了修改并提供修改相关的日期,说明该作品是依据本许可证以及根据第7条附加的条件进行发布的;并且根据本许可证将整个作品作为一个整体授权给任何拥有副本的人;本许可证将与任何适用的第7条附加条款一起,适用于整个作品及其所有部分,无论它们是如何打包。

News Bulletin

《共熵服务中心2024年报》精彩回顾3/4: 年度工作总结

《共熵服务中心2024年报》精彩回顾3/4: 年度工作总结

《共熵服务中心2024年报》精彩回顾2/4: 新年寄语

《共熵服务中心2024年报》精彩回顾2/4: 新年寄语

《共熵服务中心2024年报》精彩回顾1/4: 中心概况

《共熵服务中心2024年报》精彩回顾1/4: 中心概况

Path of Radiance, Glory Chapter: Comentropy 2024 Awards Ceremony

On the afternoon of the 12th, "Comentropy's Brilliant Path, Forging a Glorious Chapter" - The 2024 Comentropy Service Center Annual Recognition Ceremony was successfully held in the Shenzhen Portion of Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation Zone for Technology and Innovation to recognize outstanding achievements and contributions from the past year. 



Comentropy Industry and Standard Innovation Service Center Launches AllianceHub and International Organization Guidebook

At the "2024 International Industry Organization Innovation and Development Forum" held today at the Shangri-La Hotel in Pudong, Shanghai, the Comentropy Industry and Standard Innovation Service Center made two significant announcements: the official release of AllianceHub V1.0 and the forthcoming publication of the International Organization Guidebook. Vice Chairman Yang Tao delivered a keynote speech titled "New Platform, New Service: Building the Hetao International Organization Headquarters", officially unveiling AllianceHub V1.0.



中国标准化专家委员会副主任张纲莅临共熵产业与标准创新服务中心 ……



全球计算联盟(简称“GCC”)秘书处与深圳市共熵产业与标准创新服务中心(简称“共熵服务中心”)在深圳举行战略 ……



2024年7月5日,全球固定网络创新联盟(简称“NIDA联盟”)与深圳市 ……



今日,深圳市民政局国际性产业与标准组织专责小组团队,深入河套国际性产业与标准组织聚集区,开展了一场 ……


河套聚集区推进创新与标准化,英伟达 Nemotron-4 重塑合成数据生成

今天,河套国际性产业与标准组织聚集区正以其卓越的表现和前瞻性 ……



2024年6月3日下午,欧盟中国商会副会长、中国碳中和五十人论坛秘书长、中国欧盟协会理事王稚晟 ……
