2024-01-08AllianceHub 发布V1.9版本新增任务管理模块:提升团队协作与任务追踪效率
2025年1月16日,AllianceHub 平台正式推出 V1.9 版本,新增任务管理模块,为工作组的日常运作和任务执行带来全新的管理方式。此功能使工作组主席、秘书以及各任务负责人能够更加高效地管理和协调任务,确保每个任务的执行进度和责任明确。通过此模块,任务的创建、分配、跟踪、验收等各个环节都能实现全面的管理和透明的流程,同时增强了团队成员之间的沟通和协作。
2025年1月16日,AllianceHub 平台正式推出 V1.9 版本,新增任务管理模块,为工作组的日常运作和任务执行带来全新的管理方式。此功能使工作组主席、秘书以及各任务负责人能够更加高效地管理和协调任务,确保每个任务的执行进度和责任明确。通过此模块,任务的创建、分配、跟踪、验收等各个环节都能实现全面的管理和透明的流程,同时增强了团队成员之间的沟通和协作。
AllianceHub 是国际组织工作组的理想协作平台,有效解决常见痛点。对分散团队而言,其助力跨区域协作顺畅进行。会议管理功能可迅速安排议程、记录纪要并自动通知成员,显著提升会议效率。提案管理流程也因之更加规范透明,进度一目了然。
全球计算联盟(GCC)作为一个产业组织,标准制修订和研究报告编写是联盟的主要工作,过去主要是通过线上或线下会议的方式来推进标准工作,参会代表时间难协调,业务推进效率不高。AllianceHub 作为一个线上协作平台,支持协同编写标准和研究报告等工作文档,并能够支持在线评注和表决投票等功能,后续还将支持修改合并等功能,能更方便会员代表和专家参与,加速联盟业务推进速度。
The meeting management module of AllianceHub fully meets all the needs of our working group for organizing meetings. From scheduling meeting agendas to distributing meeting materials, and even archiving meeting results, every step can be completed on the platform. Additionally, the system automatically generates meeting reminders to ensure that every member never misses an important meeting. This all-in-one meeting management approach has greatly improved our work efficiency. I highly recommend other alliances use AllianceHub to manage their meeting affairs. This modern meeting tool is not only comprehensive in functionality but also easy to operate, making it the best choice for enhancing collaboration efficiency.
The online voting feature of AllianceHub has brought unprecedented transparency to our decision-making process. Whether it is the approval or rejection of proposals, or the voting behavior of members, all details can be viewed and recorded in real time through the system. This mechanism of transparency has significantly increased members' trust in the organization and enhanced the cohesion of our working group. For other alliances seeking to improve transparency in their decision-making processes, AllianceHub is undoubtedly a reliable platform.
2025年1月3日下午,在新年的开端,由共熵服务中心主办的 AllianceHub 体验日活动圆满落幕。此次活动邀请了来自多个产业和标准组织的代表,以及各会员单位成员共计40余人参与。与会嘉宾们深入探讨了 AllianceHub 平台的核心功能和未来发展规划,特别关注了平台近期推出的新特性:通告功能、议题征集功能、资料库功能和提案批注功能。
As an organization dedicated to advancing standardization efforts, we have found that AllianceHub provides unprecedented convenience for the digital management of standard proposals. From editing and reviewing to archiving, the entire process can be completed online while ensuring accuracy and consistency across versions. This digitalized approach to standard management not only improves our work efficiency but also modernizes the overall operation of our organization. I highly recommend other alliances to adopt AllianceHub to accelerate their own digital transformation and move toward a more efficient and intelligent future.
The unique strength of AllianceHub lies in its exceptional collaboration capabilities, enabling us to work more efficiently with other workgroups. By sharing resources and information, we have achieved a qualitative leap in cross-organization cooperation. The platform offers real-time document editing and task assignment features, which simplify collaboration between different workgroups by eliminating the constraints of cumbersome communication processes. Instead, collaboration is seamlessly achieved through its systematic functionalities. I believe that teams in international organizations requiring cross-organization cooperation will greatly benefit from AllianceHub. It is not just a tool but a bridge that connects different parts of an organization.
2024年12月26日,AllianceHub 平台再次迎来功能升级,推出资料下载功能。这项功能进一步提升了资料管理的效率和灵活性。该功能旨在优化资料的存储、分类、共享和下载流程,为联盟与工作组成员提供更加便捷的资料获取方式。通过严格的权限控制和清晰的资料分类,用户能够快速、高效地访问所需文件,同时确保资料的安全性和合规性。
In my daily work, I need to coordinate and communicate with various member organizations, and sometimes I am required to issue formal documents. Therefore, I often use the 'System Notice' feature in AllianceHub, which helps me precisely target each member organization that needs to receive specific information. This ensures that every member reliably and punctually receives the information released by the Secretariat. This feature has brought great convenience and efficiency to my daily work. Moreover, AllianceHub has thoroughly considered the confidentiality of each member's information, which has been highly appreciated by member organizations, recognizing the professionalism of our work.