UWA "HDR & Audio Vivid IPTV UHD Industry Exchange Event"
Date: March 14, 2025 (Friday), 14:00-18:00
Venue: Meeting Room, 15th Floor, Building 6, No. 16 Bailongjiang East Street, Jianye District, Nanjing City
Theme: Promoting the Integration of HDR & Audio Vivid Alliance Standards with IPTV Services
- The Alliance Secretariat, Tianyi Digital Life Company, and others will present on the UHD industry ecosystem from multiple perspectives, including chips, content, encoding/decoding, testing, and copyright.
- Focus on the future work directions for IPTV ultra-high-definition development and video user experience improvements.
- A combination of lecture presentations and roundtable discussions will be used to provide an in-depth communication platform.